“Whether it’s a question of our salary, experience, qualifications or seniority in our current role, a little embellishment can seem like nothing more than a ‘white lie’, particularly if you really want the role and think that embellishing the truth here and there might give you the edge.
“Unfortunately, the truth is a little different.
“Whilst a CV is meant to sell you to an employer, it is also a reflection of you. A CV that is less than honest indicates a candidate who is less than truthful and there are very few employers who will tolerate that.
“Quite apart from the stain on your reputation, it’s technically a criminal offence to lie on a CV. At the very least, if you are found out it is grounds for dismissal. “And if you think you can get away with it, think again. Employers are much wiser to the whole question of over egged CVs these days and are more likely to check the facts than ever before.
“If you are finding work through a recruitment company your consultant should ensure you are portrayed in the best possible light without resorting to fibs. “Good consultants can help to tailor a CV to a particular role, highlighting the experience that’s most relevant. Even very similar roles require slightly different areas of expertise and it’s never a good idea to send out the same CV to a dozen different jobs.
“Recruitment professionals spend their lives working with CVs to make sure theybring out the best in you in an appropriate fashion. Consultants at The One Group draw on a combined 80 years of recruitment experience, ensuring they maximise your talents and skill-set without needing to resort to deception. “A CV is your key to unlock the door and it’s the gateway to finding your ideal job, so getting it right is imperative.”