4 Marketing Tips to Drive Growth in 2022

SEO Marketing

Regardless of company size, industry, or any other factor imaginable, there’s no denying the fact that 2021 was a challenging year. Even if your business excelled during the pandemic, it’s likely that you ran into one challenge after the next.

If you’re ready to put 2021 in the past and win big in 2022, it’s time to examine your marketing strategy with an eye toward growth. Here are four marketing tips that can put you on the fast track to success:

1. Hire an Outside Agency

There’s nothing wrong with knowing when you need help and taking full advantage of all the opportunities that are available to you. The benefits of hiring an outside agency run deep, including but not limited to saving time, reducing stress, and picking up on new trends before the competition.

2. Follow the Leader

You’re never going to achieve a high level of success if you simply copy what your competitors are doing. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore them entirely. You can learn a lot from other companies, so don’t shy away from closely examining their marketing strategies.

Imagine you’re leading the marketing for a company that continually comes up short on social media. Maybe this is due to pitch slap. Or perhaps you’re struggling to maintain a consistent posting strategy.

By following the social leaders in your space, you can see what is and isn’t working. And of course, you can also use some of what you find in your own marketing plan.

3. Take Cues from the Past

Although you’re looking toward the future, it doesn’t mean you should forget about the past. In fact, by taking cues from the past, you can continue to rely on techniques that have generated results. And of course, when you add new tactics to the mix, you’re in a better position to succeed.

For example, you can analyze the best and worst ads from the last few months of 2021 to determine which approach you should take in 2022.

4. Rely More Heavily on Software

There was a day and age when marketing was more or less a manual process. And while that still holds true to a certain degree today, there are more software programs available than ever before.

Take for instance someone who runs a small but profitable business selling products on Amazon. Without software, you could find yourself wasting time on listing products, processing refunds, and purchasing inventory on a precise schedule.

If there’s a software program that can save you time, save you money, and/or reduce headaches — regardless of the cost — it’s something you should strongly consider.


It doesn’t matter if you rely entirely on your internal team or outsource some or all of your marketing, you’ll want to do so with these tips in mind. For many companies, the only thing standing between a so-so year in 2022 and moving to the next level is a well-defined marketing strategy.

What are your thoughts on using one or more of these pointers in 2022?